Sunday, February 23, 2020

Opinion Paper - Business Law Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Opinion Paper - Business Law Class - Essay Example In the U.S. Supreme Court Ninth Circuit case, heard in 2007, the Court ruled that a group of contract workers from the company, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), did not have to disclose certain information in the background checks NASA wanted to do. NASA would normally complete all these checks before employing someone on a full-time basis. This information related to the workers’ previous drug use and counseling, and questions about the workers’ honesty posed to the employee’s references. NASA could also force the employees to sign a release so that personal information could be researched from the employees’ schools, previous employers, and other sources (The HR website 2011). The Supreme Court (Ninth Circuit) ruled that the contracted workers’ rights would be violated by such background checks, since previous drug use or counseling for drug use would not be relevant to their present contract with NASA, and that the opinions of previous employers could not be used to decide whether JPL could use these workers for the NASA contract. In both cases, the judgment felt that the workers’ constitutional rights would be violated by such checks. On Appeal, the Supreme Court reversed this previous decision (NASA v. Nelson 2011), making it possible for NASA to do the same background checks on contracted workers as it does on full time employees.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Reflective paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reflective paper - Essay Example Getting to lead the youth in church, in some of the activities, was an honour. However, problems came as a result of failure to understand many of the peers in the group. In the book, by Dr. Allender, Leading with a Limp, there is talk of how leaders do not rise to power in spite of their weaknesses; rather they rise because of their weaknesses (Allender, 2008). This gave inspiration to group members. The thought of getting to understand people made it easier to relate to them. Adopting a positive attitude through all that increased the chances of finding favour among peers and the elders around the church. This response was welcome from all quarters, and people appreciated the effort to lead through the identified weakness. In conclusion, the lesson learnt is that whatever thing one might think will pull them down, it is wise to try it out first (Allender, 2008). If one fails, it means they know of one way of how not to do something. After all, if nobody makes a mistake, it means they have never tried anything